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Episode 6: Partners in Policymaking
Welcome to the POSABILITY Podcast! POSABILITY is a nonprofit creating positive opportunities for families in the disability community.
Today, we're excited to dive into the topic of Partners in Policymaking, a transformative leadership training program. Partners in Policymaking prepares adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, along with family members and legal guardians, to be effective advocates at all levels of government. Graduates of the program learn essential leadership skills and techniques to develop positive partnerships with elected officials and other decision-makers. Our guests today, Alexsis and Nicole, are recent graduates of Partners in Policymaking. They'll be sharing their experiences with us and shedding light on the impact of the program.
Learn More and Apply for Partners in Policymaking at
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Episode 5: Origin Story part 2
Welcome to the POSABILITY Podcast! POSABILITY is a nonprofit creating positive opportunities for families in the disability community.
For today’s episode we wanted to share with you our story. This is part 2 of the origin story of Posability and also, The Cordova Family and why we do what we do.
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